Donate Now
Any donation, no matter how small, will help educate tomorrow’s leaders. We have a diversity of Funds, listed below, for you to choose from. All donations, excluding those given to the General Trust are tax deductible. An * indicates that MHS Foundation Ltd is acting as an agent for Melbourne High School.

Future Fund
Help ensure we can respond to the School's most pressing needs. The Future Fund was established in 2018 to enable us to address the needs of our students and respond to the School's most urgent priorities through access to unrestricted funds.

Health Promotion Trust
Help us build MHS student's health habits, resilience and skills for life. The Health Promotion Trust supports programs and services that address physical and emotional wellbeing including: specialised support services for students with additional health and learning needs, supporting academic mentoring, helping students impacted by COVID-19, workshops and programs addressing diverse health and wellbeing topics, and counselling and case management.

New Generation Classrooms (Building Fund)*
Help us transform MHS classrooms into appropriate teaching spaces for today's educational needs. Our grand old building is nearing a century and whilst spectacular the facilities are desperately in need of attention. It is our ambition to complete a phased rejuvenation of every classroom by 2027.

Scholarship Trust
Help us assist MHS students in need and ensure they have the opportunity to fully benefit from our all-encompassing education, regardless of background or circumstance.

Arts and Cultural Trust
Help us to provide a transformative learning environment for MHS artists whist developing a lifelong appreciation of the arts and culture amongst all MHS graduates.

MHS Scholarship Trust (MHSOBA)
The MHSOBA Scholarship Fund supports Old Boys in their undergraduate and postgraduate endeavours.

General Trust (non tax deductible)
Donations to the MHS General Trust are utlised across all our programs. If tax deductibility of donations is not important for you, or if you are considering a gift to Melbourne High School in your Will, please nominate the MHS General Trust.

Library Fund *
Help us support the School to maintain and improve the library's study resources and assist students who cannot afford to purchase essential school text books.