LINDSAY FOX SCHOLARSHIP Scholarship form Surname Given Names Preferred Name Date of Birth Address Student Email Year 8 School Language Studied in Year 8 Parent Given Name Parent Title & Surname Parent Telephone Parent Email Questions & Attachments: 1.End of Year Report – Please attach copy of your end year (December) school report 2.Please attach a certified copy of your families Commonwealth Health Care Card or Pension Card. 3. Applicant Personal Response – Please give reasons why you should be considered for the Lindsay Fox Scholarship. (Please limit to 500 words)] 4. Achievements - Please provide summary of outstanding achievements in the following areas. One attachment per achievement should be provided as evidence. a. Academic Achievements & attachment attachment b. Co-Curricular Achievements & attachment (This may include music, sport, leadership & cultural activities). attachment 5. Family Associations with Melbourne High School – If there is a current of past association with the school please detail here. This is not a criterion for selection.